Too little too late.
These words took on new meaning that day in the women’s bathroom stall as I attempted to pluck my spellbindingly stylish navy jumpsuit off my body. I had downed 4 cups of coffee and failed to prepare a proper exit strategy. I pulled, tugged, and shimmied on my porcelain throne trying to loosen my zipper. My efforts were futile. I was encased by the majesty of my jumpsuit and there was no way out. I knew in that moment that there would likely only be one treacherous end to the unsuccessful loosening of my zipper.
I shimmied once more, but this would seal my fate.
During my last-ditch effort, somehow all the muscles in my abdomen relaxed and my bladder gave up the fight for good. I was 28 and completely soiled from the waist down. There is nothing like involuntarily peeing on yourself in your late twenties. It’s humbling and I recommend everyone try it at least never.
I learned one crucial life lesson that day: before you put on your jumpsuit, prepare for a timely and rehearsed exit strategy. Without preparation, something as adorable as the jumpsuit can become an unintentional booby trap.
And interestingly enough, I’ve found that the same goes for style during the postpartum months. Without preparation, you will find yourself in a literal booby trap as you attempt to free your breasts from your cute high neck-line blouse as rivers of milk brim over inside your nursing bra.
Yes, this is the conundrum of postpartum style. You’ve just spent 9 months toiling at styling a rapidly changing body only to have your body transform its shape once again, now fully equipped with the ability to produce much sought-after edible goods for a demanding but special little human. And if you’re aren’t careful, this milk factory can be full of booby traps without some thoughtful style preparation.
The goal of postpartum style is to free the boob, not trap it. In the first several months following postpartum the most important thing is finding clothing that helps the little one access the breast. Your boobs are ticking time bombs, necessitating you to rehearse and prepare for a proper exit strategy. You need clothing that will give your baby instant and easy access, and I've prepared for you 3 style lifelines that will keep you chic and comfortable as you breast feed during the postpartum months.

The Road to Freedom, Option 1: Off The Shoulder Dress
When it comes to granting your little human instant access to the boob, there is nothing more promising than an off the shoulder dress. The neckline rests just below your collar bone and showcases your shoulders while keeping your upper arms covered. The flattering neckline provides built in charm that stirs up feelings of a 1950’s starlet, a much-welcomed perk as you navigate the magical land of spit up and baby fecal matter. Even more importantly, the neckline is open and sits just a few inches above the breast. All you must do for access is discreetly pull down the natural resting spot of the neckline and you will be able to feed your little one while looking chic in the process.

Liberation awaits, Option 2: Lapel Vest
The fear of inadvertently flashing bystanders while breastfeeding is a common anxiety among new mothers alike. While a nursing cover can remedy this fear, you may be surprised to find that a simple staple already waiting in the wings of your closet can equally solve this problem. The lapel vest was designed to free the boob from entrapment. It is recognized as any sleeveless vest that has front edges that are folded over in an asymmetrical cascade. The waterfall-like draping that is created by the vest is structured yet voluminous and creates a chic and natural cover for breastfeeding. Pair this vest with a stretchy knit top of a cotton spandex blend and you and your baby have an instant cover-up that can be part of your weekly breastfeeding wardrobe.

Liberty and Button-Ups For All, Option 3: Button up
The button-up will be your ever-faithful ally as you learn all the tricks of the trade in breastfeeding. This shirt was made for mothers in postpartum. However, be warned that not all button-ups are created equal when it comes to breast feeding potential. When choosing a button up, choose a boyfriend style that will typically sit looser against your frame and offer seamless maneuverability. With this timeless staple, your little human is always just a few buttons away from feeding time.
Breaking Free From The Booby Trap
Postpartum requires you to come to terms with the reality that your body has been temporarily transformed into a coveted feeding trough. Priorities change when there is an endless supply of milk incubating inside of you. With all that is entailed with keeping your new little human alive, you cannot afford to be entrapped by clothing that will not grant your little one easy access to the boob. With your 3 postpartum breastfeeding lifelines secured, operation free the boob will be a distant memory. I speak for all of us when I say, “Viva La Boob! Long live the boob!”